Vancouver Colour Consultations

Colour Consultation

With literally thousands and thousands of colours available to you, it can often be a difficult choice to pick the colour that you really want for your Painting Project. You may not even know where to start! When you hire Careful Painting, choosing colours no longer has to be a frustrating or daunting experience.

If you would like to choose your own colours, we will happily lend you one of our many colour fan decks.

If you need help choosing your colours, Careful Painting works closely with several experienced professional designers and many local colour consultants. We will be happy to facilitate a colour consultation for you. Contact Careful Painting

Our process is simple.  Either an Interior Designer or a local Colour Consultant will arrange a meeting with you to help you discover the colours that best suit your style and taste. During the meeting they will get a feeling for what direction you would like to go in regarding colour for either your interior or exterior projects. Once they have an idea of what look you are trying to create, they can introduce you to colours that you may never have thought of. With their experience and knowledge, they can bring your vision and desires one step closer to reality.

Once you have narrowed down your choices, small containers of paint (or “testers“) are available in thousands of colours, to give you a better idea of what your project will look like. Simply apply a small amount of the tester paint in the colours that you have, to an area that will be painted or on to some poster board.

At Careful Painting, we work hard to make sure you get your colours right for your project and right for you.

For more information about Colour Consultations or to get Free Painting Estimate please call Derek Bardon on 604-730-1566 or email him at   Careful Painting are your Vancouver Painters!

  • Careful Painting Ltd.

    Vancouver’s West Side
    Painting Company
    • 604-730-1566